Next Steps for the Weak

I am Weak

Next Steps for the Weak

  • Acknowledge to yourself, to God, and to at least one other person that you are weak.

  • Be as specific as possible with your weakness.

    • Write down your needs.

    • God knows your needs before you ask, but writing them down is a helpful exercise of faith to see the specific weakness in writing.

  • Recognize everybody is weak…some are just not willing to admit that yet.

    • Be patient with others and vulnerable with your life. Not everyone can admit weakness, but a good next step when feeling weak is to acknowledge the reality.

    • Living in the reality of weakness allows you to be honest with yourself, others, and God who already knows your weakness.

    • See Romans 8:26 for reference.

  • Pray and ask for help.

    • A simple prayer example: “Jesus, have mercy on me and help me!” See Matthew 7:7-11 for reference in asking.

  • Our video series is meant to encourage you, strengthen you, and teach you what God wants from his people.

    • Each video is focused on one word to remind us of how God’s love is revealed.

    • Recognize we fall short of God’s plans so in that sense we are all weak.

    • Each word is a reminder of our need for God and we can ask God for help.

    • Repeat these steps over and over again.

  • We must recognize weakness is a human trait. God is plenty strong and he cares for the weak. He desires contrite hearts and not sacrifice.

    • Be willing to bring your whole life in weakness to God as your offering.

    • The good news of life is that Jesus loves people. He has made a way for people to be reconciled to God. Rather than remain in our “false strength” we can turn to Jesus and ask him for help.

    • Every person is in need of great help. No person can save themselves. So turn to Jesus. Ask for forgiveness for trying to stay strong on your own. Ask Jesus to help you, take over the situation/circumstance, and follow Him with your whole life. That is the primary thing you do with weakness. Turn away from self righteousness, self promotion, self help, self strength, and Turn to Jesus for his righteousness, his promotion, his help, his strength, and his love and forgiveness. See Matthew 5-7 for reference.

  • Please contact us if you want to talk about your needs and weaknesses. We are here to help each other put aside our own lives and follow Jesus in his way of life. Love to all.